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Maintaining high quality and low costs is crucial for manufacturing businesses today. SAS's ‘board room to shop-floor’ approach helps companies in topics ranging from strategic decisions regarding setting up manufacturing operations, to specific production site and line improvement.
The roots of poor quality and low manufacturing productivity often can be traced back to processes that happen long before the product hits the shop floor. They begin with product line complexity, product design, scheduling and sourcing. SAS helps clients address those sources of problems and implement lean manufacturing techniques that improve productivity 20 percent to 40 percent.
While our approach varies depending on the client’s situation, our overall framework starts addressing strategic questions that impact production cost, quality, flexibility, service levels, and control. This includes a clear understanding of what is the current and future product portfolio, what should the company "make vs buy" based on core capabilities and needs, and what should the future footprint and capacity plan look like–including which sites should be closed, consolidated, or prioritized for optimization.
Within a specific site, we deploy a battery of tools and initiatives that can be described in three groups: improvement enablers, shop floor improvement, and overhead streamlining.
SAS's broad-based diagnostic tools, which include comparisons with best practices and assessments of the potential of lean manufacturing techniques, identify changes that will reap the largest payoffs and the best methods of achieving them. We then help clients implement improvements, ranging from product line complexity reduction to manufacturing practices that dramatically enhance productivity.